AR Gardening Aid


App to make gardening easy for everyone! This work was done in then Responsive Envirorments Group at MIT Media Lab. 


  • Gardening is HARD!  πŸŒ±
    • No one ever knows what to grow where
    • Young Kids and beginners lack the intuition needed to grow plants
    • Many different micro-factors affect the ability of a plant to grow
      • These factors are hard to make sense of for the average human
  • People have a lack of respect for nature because they struggle to understand and interact with it

  • Crops high in nutrition can be brought to homes and communities where they are needed at a low cost

Background:  I wanted everyone from my brother to grandmother to be able to grow plants. This AR tool acts as a way to give people who have never gardened an AR assisted β€œgreen thumb.” I hope to extend this technology to create

Solution: I designed an animated digital spirit in augmented reality to assist people in indoor gardening. I systematized connections between sensors on the Arduino to Firebase. Integrated animations and visual effects in Unity to represent gathered sensor data in Firebase in real time for 20 plant types.


Possible Application: 

The system was designed to be integrated into common household planters. This was choosen to allow the technology to be used by everyone. The project was also designed to be extended to larger farms.


System Design: 

The system had four main components: Sensor System, Firebase Database, Unity App, and an Action Mapping. The relationship between the systems is shown below.  


Hardware Design: 

Whe designing the hardware the main considerations were that it was small and easy to install. I wanted to use the perfect number of sensors to get an accurate representatio of soil health, but not create too many conflicting data points. 


Database Design: 

The database was hosted on Firebase. The sample data hierarchy is shown below! This data would be accessed in the Unity App to trigger animations and color changes in the avatar. 


Avatar Action Mapping: 

Quantitative -> qualitative mapping

The data acquired by the sensors was then mapped to qualitative changes in the avatar. This was done to communicate the data in a way that could be understood by everyone!


What I learned....

● Using an ESP 32

● Wifi Connectivity

● Firebase

● Unity

● How to design a simple PCB

● Simple C#

Selected Works

Gistyengineering tutorial platform and subscription service to teach engineering to teenage girls and artists

Augwea company that blends augmented reality with fashion to help share interests

AR Gardening Aid (MIT Media Lab)augmented reality app to assist people in indoor gardening

Hoodiemade and sold a hoodie to support healthcare management and education for underprivileged girls and women

Paintings/Drawingssome of the art I have made over the years

Sewing Projectsthings I have sewn over the years

Finite State Machine Lampdesigned a processor, instruction code, and a lamp

Triangle Paintingan exploration of the role of furniture and art in our living spaces

Smart Greenhousesensor system to remotely monitor plant health

Quarantine Walla collage installation

The Butterfly tech based sculpture presented at an art exhibition

Let's talk!